About ten years ago I was in Washington D.C. with colleagues at a policy symposium.  One of the guest speakers was Bob Woodward.  I distinctly remember Mr. Woodward asking our group the following question: “How many of you believe news media is classified as entertainment television?” One person raised their hand.  Me. 

Woodward was wide-eyed. He was expecting to move on to his next question which would emphasize his subject matter of “Investigative Journalism.”  It had been nearly 40 years since Watergate and he was still living off that event.  I’m still not sure how much investigation would have taken place if not for Mark Felt.  But that’s a topic for another time.

As I looked around the room, I could feel all eyes on me, including Bob Woodward.  “Is that what you really think?” He asked.

“Yes,” I replied.  “Television news is a cut above professional wrestling.”

I could tell he was surprised and frankly disappointed.  I also sensed my colleagues were somewhat embarrassed by my candor.

As I reflect on that evening, I smile now, feeling pure vindication. 

The news media has only grown worse in their bias and manipulation of information. It’s about clicks, likes, viewers and sponsor dollars.

I was recently asked who someone should listen to regarding the news.  My reply was I don’t trust anyone, but right now the most honest objective person seems to be Brett Baier. I understand the difference between editorial journalism and news reporting.  Baier and Lester Holt are newsmen.  Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow are editorial journalists.  They give you their opinion.  They are entertainment.

Brian Williams was a newsman, but he got caught lying, was terminated and then rehired as something else.  Not sure why anyone would listen to someone who is an admitted liar.  The lines are also blurred for people like Don Lemon who is supposed to be a newsman.

I understand everyone has baggage.  But with all the people chomping at the bit to be on television you would think networks would be more discretionary when employing people like Williams, Lemon, and Ed Henry. If you don’t have credibility and integrity how can anyone trust what you say?

Walter Cronkite was a registered Democrat. But his journalism and reporting was unbiased. He was a trusted source of the news. As a matter of fact, when he criticized Johnson’s handling of the Viet Nam War LBJ knew he was in trouble. By losing Cronkite he had lost a large percentage of the American electorate.

My son has a degree in journalism and considers himself a middle of the road moderate.  He isn’t affiliated with any political party.  He does exhaustive research on policy matters and tries to see all sides of an issue.  My question is, why don’t all news people handle things the same way?

Instead, they team up with politicians to dictate a narrative to serve their own needs, wants and desires. It is dangerous, divisive and detrimental to the future of our country.

I know this isn’t something new.  It’s been happening for years.  Modern technology, the internet and a variety of social media apps have exposed this partnership.  It’s a travesty and an affront to the public.  A huge concern of mine is the people who buy into what they hear and read. How many stop to ask questions or pushback on the information coming into their homes? Not too many, I’m afraid. What they hear or read becomes what they believe.

You don’t have to believe me or buy into what I am saying.  Do your own research. 

I’d strongly recommend reading “Unfreedom of the Press,” by Mark Levin.  It’s a first class analysis of the history of the press and the media and how it has devolved into what we are living with today. 

Keep your eyes and ears open to objective, unbiased, news.  It’s hard to find, but it is out there.

Until next time…