The puppets of my youth were memorable and enjoyable. Lamb Chop, Kukla and Ollie, Howdy Doody, Charlie McCarthy, Mr. Bunny Rabbit, Miss Piggy, Kermit, Ed Sullivan’s favorite, Johnny and of course the most famous wooden boy of all time, Pinocchio all come to mind. Some were sock puppets and others were controlled by strings.  All of them had someone else doing their talking.

For those mentioned above it was the likes of Shari Lewis, Burr Tillstrom. Buffalo Bob Smith, Edgar Bergen, Bob Keeshan, Jim Henson and Frank Oz, Senior Wences and Dick Jones.

Fast forward to present day.   Who are the most memorable puppets in my mind?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Gavin Newsome, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden.

And who are the puppeteers?

Saikat Chakrabarti, Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros easily come to mind.

Although Chakrbarti was terminated in 2019, I’m fairly certain he still helps prop up AOC.  You can always tell when she has gone rogue and is on her own because her remarks rarely make any sense.

Nancy Pelosi is still the face of the Democrat party in the House of Representatives, but she has been running California since moving from Maryland decades ago. Gavin Newsome is her nephew.

Bill and Hillary have their hands in everything.  They have proven time and time again they are above the law.

Barack controls Biden, Schumer and Durbin and Soros controls Obama.  Soros is the ultimate Grand Wizard Puppeteer.  An incredible feat for a 90 year old.

I’m afraid the puppets from the 60’s and the puppets from today aren’t much different in IQ.  I’m even more afraid the puppeteers of today are far more controlling, devious and diabolical than Buffalo Bob and Captain Kangaroo.

They have done so much damage to our country.  Some of it is disguised, but so much is out in the open and goes largely ignored.

AOC and Joe Biden are two perfect puppet examples.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a bartender, turned actress, turned member of the House of Representatives.  She is a puppet for the socialist movement and seems more like a member of junior high student council than congress.  Her big personality has inspired young people but her depth of knowledge is about an inch deep. What she doesn’t know or understand she makes up. When she isn’t monitored and is flying solo, her chances of landing a good idea are almost nil.  The media coddles her, doesn’t push back or ask difficult questions and paves her way.  It would appear they will continue to do so for years to come. Speaking of a person the media coddles, let’s touch upon Joe Biden. (Pun intended)

 Since the 70’s Biden has been beholding to so many people he has no identity whatsoever. He is the Pinocchio of our time. He received the Democratic nomination for two reasons.

  1. His history of being manipulated by everyone is common knowledge. Biden is the most malleable politician of the past 100 years. He epitomizes the saying “If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.”  
  2. Bernie Sanders was unelectable and the Democrats knew it.

As Vice President, he was the perfect example of the Peter Principle. He had reached the level of his incompetence. Biden is the perfect symbol of everything wrong with politics. Unfortunately, to add insult to injury his cognitive skills have declined so rapidly. Watching him squint to recall his words is painful. He struggles with a teleprompter. Lunch Bucket Joe has always been a liar, plagiarist, gaffe machine and blowhard. He’s never carried a lunch bucket. Now his health has emphasized and magnified all of these shortcomings. It’s pathetic, but also dangerous for our country

If people think they are voting for Joe Biden for president they are dramatically mistaken.  He will certainly be an empty suit. Pinocchio Joe will have so many strings attached he won’t know which way to turn.

As I mentioned earlier, George Soros is the Grand Wizard puppeteer.  He has influenced countless elections at all levels of government and he is the money behind BLM and violent protests around the country.  In addition to politicians, he has shyster personalities like Al Sharpton carrying his Marxist manifesto for him. 

You would think at age 90 Soros would be slowing down. He is not and his relatives are taking up the mantle as well.  His nephew was on the final panel to approve Kamala Harris as Biden’s VP pick.  If you think Harris was Biden’s choice, you have a puppet sock pulled over your eyes.

The puppets and puppeteers of my youth were harmless, entertaining, enjoyable creations.  The puppets and puppeteers of my golden years are dangerous, detrimental, and divisive.  Until the American people get wise to the dastardly deeds going on behind the curtain this country will continue to suffer.  And the damage will be long lasting and very possibly irreversible.