By Bob Taft

Part 1: The Right Side

Democrats took the majority from Republicans in Congress, but so what?  Let’s be honest about who runs the country. Not Republicans. Not Democrats. But the Globalist Establishment led by puppeteers.

Actually the Congress is one big Puppet Party, consisting of the Right Side and the Left Side. In Part 1 of this article, we will deal predominately with the Right Side; but first let’s take a closer look at the Puppet Party itself.

            The Puppet Part – Overview

Once their constituents back home voted them into office, the members, now nestled inside the Capital Beltway, become the property of lobbyists. Currently there are 23 lobbyists for each member of Congress and that number only goes up each year. And of the retiring members in 2014 and 2016, over one-third found careers on K Street.

Since the early 1980’s, lobbying costs ballooned from about $200 million to nearly $4 billion a year and K Street pushes an all-globalist narrative. The Right Side of Congress answers to Big Business – the Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, and major corporations.  The Left Side reports to law associations, technology companies, banks, hospital and medical service providers, unions, the Internet providers and educational groups. Nearly everyone is covered except the constituents that put these people into office.

To solidify this culture, Chief Justice John Roberts opened the floodgates for campaign contributions. Since then, the vast majority of the Congressional largess comes from big donors with deep pockets, with actual constituents trailing far behind. In the 2016 election alone, 1,724 rich donors spent over $274 million, an average contribution that was five times more than the household income of a typical American family.

The Threat to The Right

Donald J. Trump was not supposed to win the 2016 presidential election. When he did, it tossed the Right Side into a quandary. How could they be loyal to a Republican president when he was a nationalist and they were globalists? Their K Street and Wall Street bosses cared only about maximizing profits in a global economy and talk of challenging China, NAFTA and trans-Atlantic trade was a definite threat.

The globalist puppeteers had to stop the man who wanted to make America great again.    The Right Side quickly jumped into action. When it appeared certain that Trump would beat Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination, Mitch McConnell huddled with Senator Jeff Sessions who agreed to be a key Trump supporter. If Trump were to somehow win the election, Sessions would lobby for the position of Attorney General. Trump won and Sessions predictably became head of the Justice Department where he handed off the reins to an Obama holdover. Rod Rosenstein promptly recommended the firing of the controversial head of the FBI, James Comey. He then hired a special counsel to investigate the firing, creating a witch hunt based on a salacious dossier concocted and paid for by the Hillary Clinton team which has plagued the president ever since.

Within the Congress itself, though, the Right Side had a dicier time of it. After passing the biggest tax bill in history, Never Trumper and ardent globalist, Paul Ryan, promised the president that he would get the money for the much needed border wall in September of last year if Trump would approve the heavily-Left Side budget in March. He of course lied to the president, called it quits instead and presided over the House as a lame duck for the better part of nine months. Rather than supporting Trump’s agenda, he came up with one of his own, criticized the president, and thwarted any effort to get to the bottom of DOJ malfeasance.

On the senate side, despite all the talk about repealing Obamacare, the late John McCain singlehandedly blocked that initiative. Even to this day members of the president’s party claim to stand with him. But in reality they listen only to their puppeteers as the Dirty Dozen did in undercutting Trump’s national emergency declaration. For Trump, his options are clear: either be slapped in the face by the opposition or stabbed in the back by his conniving colleagues.      

There were nearly 40 Republicans who elected not to run for their Congressional seats in the midterms. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan did nothing to persuade members to run. Knowing that Republicans faced an uphill battle in the midterms, especially newcomers, these leaders of the Right Side purposely tried to swing the Congress back to the Left Side. Consequently, since nothing of note got done in Congress in 2018, Ryan’s efforts paid off as Democrats won back the House in last year’s midterms.

The Right Side’s Comfort Zone

As globalists, the Right Side just wants to stay in the back seat of Congress, blame the left for all the craziness and wait for a globalist to return to the Oval Office. Being in the minority they don’t feel as exposed or responsible for Congressional inaction. They can tell their constituents back home that the obstructionist Left Side are to blame for the ineptitude in Washington and try to convince their voters that Republicans are all fighting the good fight. But since they fought so poorly when they were in control, their words are quite empty and their voters knew it by not giving them another victory last November.

 Ironically Paul Ryan’s counter plan to Trump’s focused on cutting the government deficit; yet throughout the former Bush and Obama administrations, the Right Side were as eager to spend as the Left Side. And while they claim to want border security and to improving health care – the major issues on the Congressional table – they team with their alleged opponents across the aisle to block the president on both counts.

Their puppeteers have trained them well.