By Bob Taft

Part 2 – The Left Side

The midterms showed the Left Side of Congress that all of their anti-Trump energy had paid off. They recaptured the House by a sizable margin and were fully prepared to run with what was clearly their new mandate. Nancy Pelosi was back at the helm, the exhausting, non-stop Trump probes were taking shape, and all was right with the Establishment world.

The Hijacking

For about a week. That’s when the Left Side was co-opted by a small outside group of radicals called the Justice Democrats, a new brand of puppeteer. While they endorsed 78 midterm candidates, they actually held auditions and recruited 12 more. Of that select group, only Ocasio-Cortez made it to Washington, but she did so by beating a well-entrenched Democrat in the primary which sent a signal to the Left Side. Go further left or we’ll replace you.

The Big Three of this movement are Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.  Their collective contributions to the legal process to date have been the introduction of a ten-year $94 trillion New Green Deal that would eliminate airplanes and cows while strangling corporate America; a cry to impeach the M…F…ing president; and a series of anti-Semitic slurs.  In response, most Democrat senators fear that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will call for a vote on the first item; House speaker Nancy Pelosi has said “no impeachment,” but the young bucks of the party openly say otherwise; and a resolution originally designed to censure Ms. Omar became a watered-down document condemning all forms of hatred.

It appears that the old guard of the Established Left Side are no match for the upstart freshmen.

In the next few years, expect more of this new breed to encroach upon Washington with the Justice Democrats and their fellow radical LLCs in total control. For example, one of the founders of this movement, Sakat Chakabarti, serves as AOC’s chief of staff. While he has already come under scrutiny for campaign funds violations, he orchestrates his puppet’s every move and cringes when she goes off script.

Their goal is to recruit candidates, train them, run their campaigns, and push centrist Democrats aside. So far discombobulated Democrats apparently are letting them do it. The group is building a stronger base and fund-raising mechanism and want to toss 100 such candidates into the ring in 2020. They want to pack the Supreme Court with activist judges and by 2024 put their own Manchurian candidate in the White House. To ensure such an early victory, they want to lower the voting age to 16, have illegal immigrants vote and rid the country of the Electoral College.

Defying the Global Establishment, candidates will be told to reject corporate and lobbying contributions and swear allegiance to the JD platform, including disbanding ICE, promoting open borders, ensuring free universal health care, pushing for free higher education, ending the death penalty, and calling for the absolute end to environmental damage in this country. Already the freshmen bucks are threatening to make lists of and promise retaliation against any Congressional Democrat who dares to oppose this ambitious agenda.

The Left Side of Capitol Hill, which has been bullying their Right Side counterparts for years, are finally being bullied themselves…and they don’t like it. It’s one thing for a nationalist outsider to come to Washington to disrupt the status quo. Years of investigations can put the brakes on the damage a guy like Trump can do. But it’s quite another matter – and one potentially much more dangerous – for a subgroup of their own party to intimidate them so. Yet the Justice Democrats have a sense of urgency about them. They don’t want to wait years to become the focal point of politics. They believe time is of the essence and they are already seizing the moment.

Radical Conformity Settles In

So the Left Side is in a quandary. They desperately hate the president and want him gone, but what he’s managed to get accomplished in spite of Congress has been amazing. Thus the Left Side can’t criticize the economy or the improvement in the quality of life since the Obama days. Trumps’ accomplishments and the Justice Democrat’s push to the far left has forced the Left Side to adopt a radical agenda for the upcoming 2020 elections. Each of the 20 or so candidates tries to outdo the other daily with the full assortment of far left goodies from third-term abortions to freebies across the board for all. The Left Side is falling in lock-step with the Justice Democrats.

Such is the condition of the Left Side of Congress.  If poor Mrs. Pelosi thought riding donkeys was hard, now she knows what it’s like to bounce around on bucking broncos.

Despite their late arrival, it appears the new puppeteers learn fast and are stringing their puppets quite well.