By Bob Taft

            Is Trump a fascist?

            True, he’s a nationalist. Democrats believe he is a demagogue because he is trying to do what’s best for the country. He’s racist because he wants immigrants to enter the country legally, but Latino and Black unemployment is the lowest ever and he has signed a law for prison reform and an executive order to urge companies to help minority neighborhoods economically.

            Democrats can’t accuse him of being anti-democratic and anti-religious – both of which fascists are – since he believes in God and staunchly upholds the Constitution. And he neither wants to nor can be a dictator since he already takes no salary for his efforts and can’t get the military to even obey his orders to secure the southern border.

            Further and by design Democrats constantly berate the president with “fake news,” trying desperately to paint him as an emerging dictator set on destroying the media. But he hasn’t taken the bait.

            So while they would like to depict the president as the ultimate fascist, frankly they can’t. But a closer look at what fascism actually tries to accomplish shows that in all likelihood a brand of fascism is alive and well in America. 

            1. Structure: Democrats have the globalist infrastructure to promote their principles. Their extended organization includes lobbyists, the media, Congress (the Establishment), the Deep State, the entertainment industry, and academia, K through college. President Trump has no such structure.

            2. Silence the Opposition: Democrats have a two-pronged strategy to silence their opposition. First, they use Herbert Marcuse’s tolerance interpretation: be tolerant of those on the left, but not those on the right because they are intolerant. In other words they disguise their intolerance by blaming the other side of intolerance. Second, they use Saul Alinsky’s rules of radicals: a) if you tell a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it, and b) to those who don’t believe, freeze, personalize, polarize and ridicule them until they go away. This bullying tactic works quite well.

            There are daily occurrence of this on college campuses, but over the past several years Democrats, have tried to silence Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others. President Obama tried to exclude Fox News from press conferences and spied on certain conservative reporters. The Democrat National Committee now wants Fox News not to participate in the 2020 presidential debates, leaving only progressive stations to develop questions for candidates and monitor the events.  

            This leftist bullying tactic has led to the censoring of conservatives – a la social media – punishing conservatives – a la Michael Flynn and others – while liberal malfeasance passes with impunity. This double standard, prevalent in past fascist regimes, is becoming increasingly symptomatic in modern-day America.

            3. Attack the Fundamentals of the Country – Family and Religion:  Both Alinsky’s and Marcuse’s called for the stripping of morals and ethics since these hindered true personal freedom and change could not come about without such freedom. The Democrat ‘War on Poverty” made Black families dependent on welfare, enabling many African American fathers to flee the home and creating a generation of babies out of wedlock. Coincidentally, for a variety of reasons, many men left the workforce which made way for greater female employment and the women’s liberation movement. Woman equal rights has become a sore point between the sexes resulting in a further breakdown of the family unit.

            From 1960 to 2010 the number of children living in households headed by a married couple fell from 66 percent to 45 percent. Divorce has doubled since 1970 and 40 percent of kids today are born to unmarried women. Children raised by one parent are “more likely to drop out of high school, to become teenage and single mothers, and have trouble finding and keeping a steady job.” Compounding the changing structure of the family is an increasing scarcity of parental role models and the high percentage of illiteracy in the United States. Nearly 20 percent of high school graduates cannot read and 43 percent of adults are at the lowest reading level.

            A significant number of people born after 1980 didn’t grow up with much family structure. Kids need to feel like they have a spiritual home, but children of divorce struggle to do this. Divorce without regular religion forces children to go it alone, figure out life for themselves. Consequently it is not surprising that the fastest growing religion in America is nones – atheists, agnostics and those who claim to be “nothing in particular.”The percentage who believe in God has dropped from 70 percent 61 percent in just seven years. Over 35 percent of millennials are religiously unaffiliated and fewer than six in ten identify with any branch of Christianity. According to PEW Research, the religiously unaffiliated will grow faster in the United States than anywhere else in the world.

            4. Fundamental Change of the Constitution and Rule of Law: The breakdown of the family and religion sets the stage for the similar erosion of the Constitution and rule of law. President Obama took every opportunity to marginalize that document: e.g. the IRS scandal targeting conservatives illegally; changes he made to the Affordable Healthcare Law without Congressional approval; EPA regulations that violated the Clean Air Act; the DACA scheme that violated existing immigration law, etc.

            Obama also knew the best way to marginalize the Constitution was to weaponized The First Amendment, key to everything in the Bill of Rights. Obama used the tenet to undercut it. Demonstrations, acts of assembly under the First Amendment, featured outright violence. But rather than condemning the actions of the activists, he celebrated them in the White House. If a few people found historical monuments, not just religious symbols, offensive, these monuments too were forcibly removed with little or no consequence.

            In virtually every case involving the police, Obama sided quickly with the victims involved.  These “rush to judgment” declarations, made the perpetrator the victim and the victim the perpetrator. He used this ploy to convince America that our society was in decline, largely because of the victimization of the underclass.

            Having compromised the rule of law, the president used the First Amendment to do the same with religion. He used the clause “separation of Church and State” – which was NOT part of the amendment – to prevent the teaching of Christianity and Judaism while allowing Islam in public schools. He also attacked Christians, Jews and the Bible over 100 times. When he accepted Middle East refugees into the country, over 99 percent were Muslim and less than one percent Christian, the ones who really were being persecuted abroad.

            By denigrating the police, celebrating victims and violence, and outwardly challenging the rule of law Obama set up the Constitution for major change. This erosion has emboldened Democrats to use fascist bullying techniques as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Eric Holder’s and Maxine Water’s inciting their constituencies. The erosion of the rule of law has also given room to such radical concepts as socialism, open borders, infanticide, not to mention the weaponizing of the FBI, Justice Department and intelligence community. Perhaps worst of all, as seen in the Kavanaugh hearing, a person was forced to prove his innocence instead of found “innocent until proven guilty.”

            Taken together, these tactics constitute a well-devised strategy to break down America’s moral firewall, which in turn softens up the country for fundamental change. Such a strategy of status quo destruction was key to the success of early fascist regimes.

            5. Destruction of the Existing Economic Structure: In the mid-1960’s two Columbia University professors concocted the Cloward and Piven plan. Essentially they espoused that the government had to be overwhelmed with a massive welfare system that would cause the collapse of the capitalist economic system. Such is the case with the Democrat New Green Deal. While the latest estimated price tag for this progressive program is $9.4 trillion per year for the next 10 years, Democrats are pushing this economic wrecking ball in their 2020 presidential pitches. They also want  If the underclass believes this narrative, bolstered by the media’s constant reinforcement of it and the hope that illegals and 16-year-olds to vote in the next election, Democrats believe they can win handily not only in 2020 but all subsequent elections. This populist approach again is a core measure of fascism.

            6. Indoctrination: Starting in in the late sixties, the Department of Education with certain liberal universities and foundations revamped teacher training. Democrats wanted State DOEs to act as enforcers for Federal compliance and to get kids to act, think and feel a certain way as the result of learning a specific unit of instruction. This began Federal dominance in state and local education and serious scientific social engineering and implemented by progressive public school unions.

            The Clintons launched the School-to-Work program that would guide a person from cradle to grave. Obama and George Soros poured funds into the Center for American Progress (CAP) so three and four-year old kids could attend a full-day public preschool program. Arne Duncan, the secretary of education at the time, said because “parents will have to be working two to three jobs in the future to support their families,” public schools will become the hub of every community open 24/7, providing meals and health care – and constant indoctrination – and  managed by a progressive, non-government organization.

            At the collegiate level, indoctrination run by progressive teachers has become the method of instruction.  A 2016 Econ Journal Watch study exposed that of over 7,000 professors, progressives outnumbered conservatives by over 11 to 1 and in history departments, where increasingly the United States is demonized, and the ratio had soared to over 33 to 1.

            Further, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) ranks colleges and universities in terms of their openness to free speech. Their 2017 report revealed that nearly half of 440 colleges and universities “seriously infringe(d) upon the free speech rights of students,” while 34 percent limited free speech and only 16 percent did not. The president now has had to implement an executive order to force colleges and universities allow for free speech

            7. Totalitarianism:  Nazism expert Carl Schmitt characterized the fascist state as wanting to “guarantee a totality of political unity transcending all diversity.”  Ironically Democrats use identity politics as a two-edged sword to achieve this goal. First they frame “white male Christians” as evil, the oppressors everyone else a victim. It’s politically correct and logical to defend the victim and malign the oppressor.  They use this technique to accuse Trump of being a white supremacist based on a staged event in Charlottesville Virginia.

            There a so-called white supremacist group led by Robert Spencer faced off against a left group, Antifa. The problem is both groups were left. Spencer, who is seen as the premier white supremacist today, attended the University of Virginia, a liberal institution, and his favorite presidents were all Democrats.  Antifa is a thug organization funded by left-wing radical George Soros.

            Since the 1890s Democrats have attempted ethnic cleansing. From 1907 to 1932, progressives advocated for the rooting out the “unfit,” such as criminals, imbeciles, “useless” or inferior people, much like Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” of today. Progressives founded several eugenic organizations calling for laws to sterilize “criminals, idiots, imbeciles and rapists.” Democrat-controlled Southern state legislatures passed laws prohibiting interracial marriages. In 1924 progressives pushed for and saw enacted an immigration law intended to keep undesirable migrants out of the country. And eight years later Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, petitioned the government to set up a code “for the better distribution of babies…to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.”    

            Democrats also use identity politics to push for a homogeneous society. They try to convince the public that everyone should be equal, economically and racially. And the best way to reach that goal is to eliminate whiteness and become a “mocha” society. This sells particularly well to minorities and millennials who have been indoctrinated with identity politics and the evils of Americanism.

Democrats are trying to create a permanent underclass while educating students – the leaders of tomorrow – to believe government must lead this class to succeed.

            8. The Environment: Nazi Germany led the world in green. The Reich Nature Protection law was sweeping legislation to protect the environment, promoted organic farming, reforestation and all the conservation issues modern environmentalists espouse. Today conservation is used by progressives to bash capitalism with dubious weather models. And in many developing countries elites use conservation to justify displacing poor folks for parkland.