For many months I’ve been trying to understand the appeal of Bernie Sanders.  I gave up on him being appealing when I would see him talk.  Now I’m trying to figure out the mystique of Bernie.  My research took me back to Vermont.  Particularly, the University of Vermont in Burlington.

You have to hand it to our institutions of higher education. Since the radical sixties, they have been pushing scientific social engineering to dumb down students and turn them into “universal persons.” Global citizens. Elimination of whiteness and blackness, meeting in the middle for economic equality and human homogeneity.

Bernie capitalize on this culture change dramatically.  He captivated the collegiate indoctrinated millennials and in 2016 nearly beat out the apparent heir to the presidential throne, Hillary Clinton.

His own collegiate experience started in his home town of Brooklyn (Brooklyn College) and he ended up graduating from the University of Chicago.  However, he never used his prestigious economic degree from the University of Chicago, probably because he never understood it.

He was a freeloader for much of his life, married two different woman, having a son out of wedlock with another woman and living off the dole. His resume reads like a hodgepodge of activism, campaigning and writing strange articles for $50 a pop. He loved living on poverty’s edge. Had the government given him even more freebies, he’d probably still be there.

Running on the now defunct, far left Liberty Union Party, Bernie lost four small Vermont elections, garnering an average of six percent of the vote. But he finally broke through as mayor of Burlington, winning that office by a whopping 10 votes and gaining the moniker “The Red Mayor in the Green Mountains.”

Always a campaigner, Bernie embraced not just socialism but communism and came to Washington, preaching the need to fatten the public trough. For his 30 years on Capitol Hill, he’s mustered the passage of three bills, two naming U.S. post offices in the Green State.

So how does this guy qualify to be president of the United States? Merchandising. To a dummied-down public, anything free sells. And since Bernie is offering everything from health care to education totally free, debt-strapped products of identity politics – millennials – are rushing to his cause.  

As I mentioned, I’ve watched him on television and his curmudgeon personality gets laughs and ratings.  If Joe Biden is “Uncle Joe,” Bernie fits nicely as “Grandpa Bernie.”

Unfortunately, the interviewers rarely ask him how all these free programs he endorses are going to be paid for and by who? He is the quintessential politician.  Never doing anything significant, but talking in platitudes and sound bites all the time.

His three homes, flying in private planes and net worth of over two million fly in the face of his socialist preaching.  And yet here he is… back again like a bad dream. The mystique lives on and so does the BS.